Showroom del mobile a Shanghai
MONDE ® is an international Consultant Organisation and our Core
Business consists in supporting Italian SME all over the World. Since the latest Global Crisis Le Monde® decided to promote the Best Italian Home Furniture in China creating the first Italian Luxury permanent Showroom, recommending to the Italian SMEs to join in a Group to reduce Investments. After meticulous Market Researches including trips to China in different cities, Le Monde® has chosen Shanghai City as the best place to realize this showroom dedicated to Architecture Studio, Interior designer, real estate and developer as well as Retail.The second step was focused in searching for the most suitable Chinese partner among the biggest player and we have chosen JSWB Group with which we have signed a 3 years Agreement to realize the project. The third step was to select the best Italian SME specialised in Classic, New Classic and Modern exclusively Made in Italy Furniture (Kitchens, Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Bathrooms and Lighting).After one year, we have successfully concluded the selection with 26 SME coming from Venetian, Tuscany and Milan area. To recreate the best Italian life Style, the design of the Showroom has been committed to an Italian architecture studio in Shanghai. The 23rd July 2011 we opened this exclusive Showroom “Abitare lo stile italiano”, with an area of 6.000m2 divided into 3 floors each one of 2.000m2.We have invited to the ceremony the General Consul of Italy in Shanghai and other Italian and Chinese Authorities, Local and International Press, Architect Studios, Interior Designers, “Real estate” and Developers. Our Marketing Plan will invest more than 2 Million Euros on Advertising for the 2011-2013 Period, in order to reach the best success of the Project.

“23/07/2011 Opening Ceremony - Left to Right: Mr. Jacques Amara-President of Le Monde,Mr. Vincenzo De Luca-General Consul of Italy in Shanghai, Mr. Li Yueqi Governor of Zhao Xian , Mr. Zou Wenlong- President of JSWB”
Ningxuia Project
Last February 2017, Le Monde signed in Ningxia a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with its Partner China-Belgium Enterprise Cooperation Centre with Xixia District Government, (Yinchuan Municipality, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China), to develop and promote Helan Mountain East Foot Area and wine industry. Xixia District is one of three Yinchuan urban districts, located in the west of beautiful and affluent Yinchuan plain. Total area is around 1,130 square kilometer and the number of inhabitant reaches 460,000. Xixia District is endowed with grape cultivation and wine production. This MoU has the objective to establish a formal cooperation initiative between the parties to strengthen business and promote Helan Mountain East Foot Area wine industry internationalisation by encouraging vineyard, winery, chateau and wine clusters. The main objectives are the training of the staff of over 200 local wineries to increase their expertise in the wine industry, the creation of a wine cluster and export plans. The other area is the development of Helan Mountain International tourism industry and outdoor sports and leisure project construction.